Protein Powder to Build the Muscle

Wednesday March 21st 2007

Back at ARC today for Hydrotherapy. No significant changes other than the muscle mass is developing more. Bracken still working her leg in the pool.
Tom Says he would like to introduce her to a protein powder to help build up the muscle. I am keen for this to happen as every day I can see Bracken trying to use her leg. Every morning when she bounces out of her cage, she tries so hard to use her leg and put weight on it.

Every time we go for a walk, the first few hundred meters, she flicks her leg forward to walk on and does bare some, not much but some weight on it.

I really do think that she gets tired more than anything and this is when she starts to drag it, after all, that's what she is used to now and it is easier for her to drag than use as there is hardly any muscle mass there.

Were back at ARC on Thursday 29th March (My Birthday!) I'll ask Tom more about the protein powder then. It has to help and I feel were at a crucial point now, its more a learning game now, Bracken has to learn to use it again!......

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