2nd Acupuncture

Tuesday February 27th 2007

Today Bracken had her 2nd treatment of acupuncture. The Vet checked her over again, nipping her leg to look for reaction. Bracken still only has feeling in the shoulder area to the elbow, or at least that's what we think.
While the Vet in inserting the needles, Bracken has a flinch when he puts the needle in between her toes, good sign.
All the needles are inserted to the same areas as the last time, only this time I know more about it as Tom gave me a loan of his acupuncture book. I read as much as I could about Ying and Yang, Meridians and Chi Energy and I was in a position to now ask the vet which meridians he used, he showed me on a piece of paper.
We then began discussing the treatment and he told me all about the course he had been on. This Vet is more open to the use of traditional Chinese medicines TCM and he then began to ask all about ARC and the treatment she was getting there.

10 minutes passed quickly and we were on our way home again. Bracken was in discomfort again, this was Ying and Yang......Good and Bad.
  • Good as it indicated that something was happening and the acupuncture was not a waste of time.
  • Bad as she was now in pain, and that I did not like.

Always a balance.

I decided to call Tom and was able to take Bracken over to ARC for a session in the Magnotherapy box. 20 minutes later and Bracken was relaxed again and pain free.

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