A Dog's Story about "Radial Nerve Damage" and the treatment she got to try and help her recover.
Session in the box
Another session in the Magnotherapy box. More stimulation of the blood flow and nerves to the muscle, more pain relief since the dislocation, it all helps.
As previously explained "PULSED MAGNETIC FIELD THERAPY" (PMFT) to call it by its technical full name, used at low frequency, has a similar effect to the use of ice packs in reducing swelling and inflammation or at higher frequencies can increase circulation and the supply of oxygen to damaged areas, this is why bracken uses it at a setting of 9 or 10.
The Yelping!
We were back at ARC tonight for Hydrotherapy. As soon as Bracken walked into the pool area Tom noticed something not quite right. Whilst bracken was being put into the sling for the pool, Shona noticed a little too much play on her leg..........her shoulder was dislocated!
This has been the reason for the yelping and discomfort, if only she could talk. I felt gutted, how long had it been like this?...... well at least since the yelping started.
Bracken is getting around so well that when she gets into any open space she's off at her usual 100mph pace, she's fast, 3 legs or not. Her leg, due to the muscle mass being wasted flops like a rag doll when she runs in the fields and through the woods, it seems a shame to stop her, after all, this is what she knows and has done since a pup. She was even racing Lesley on the horse on Saturday past........not again, I/we need to be more careful.
Tom popped her shoulder back in straight away and got cracking with the Physio. Again Bracken responded well. The minute I got home I could see, again, a big difference in her mobility. She really is trying, flicking the leg forward, putting weight on it, trying her hardest to use it. She comes to you on the sofa, jumps up with her good leg and then slowly but surely raises the other leg up onto your lap. It all stems round the muscle.
We are going to put her on a protein supplement, not too dissimilar to that of a body builder. This will strengthen what muscle there is there and allow her to start using it that little bit more.
As I said a few days ago........its all about patience and we have plenty of it.
Some Yelping this Week....!
The weekends been a funny weekend, I need remember to ask Tom about the yelps she gives out, I think its spasms of feeling coming back into the leg. I read on a page on the Internet about a wild fox with the same damage and a Vet used acupuncture to regenerate the nerve.
Click here to read the case study

They mentioned in the case study about spasms / tingling feelings coming back to the leg.
Nerve damage is said to heel itself from one end to the other, as it does and the heeling gets nearer to the end of the nerve, spasms and tingling can occur.
It all makes sense, this is why in some of the stories I have read that some animals with nerve damage can go to sleep one night with paralysis and no feeling and wake up the next with feeling and no paralysis...........here's hoping.
Protein Powder to Build the Muscle
Back at ARC today for Hydrotherapy. No significant changes other than the muscle mass is developing more. Bracken still working her leg in the pool.
Tom Says he would like to introduce her to a protein powder to help build up the muscle. I am keen for this to happen as every day I can see Bracken trying to use her leg. Every morning when she bounces out of her cage, she tries so hard to use her leg and put weight on it.
Every time we go for a walk, the first few hundred meters, she flicks her leg forward to walk on and does bare some, not much but some weight on it.
I really do think that she gets tired more than anything and this is when she starts to drag it, after all, that's what she is used to now and it is easier for her to drag than use as there is hardly any muscle mass there.
Were back at ARC on Thursday 29th March (My Birthday!) I'll ask Tom more about the protein powder then. It has to help and I feel were at a crucial point now, its more a learning game now, Bracken has to learn to use it again!......
Were getting there
Bracken is still using her leg more than ever, still more dah dit, dah dit than drrrrrrrrr. In the house she is carrying it, it doesn't rattle off the stairs as much. I need to go across to Gala so I take Bracken with me and I pop into ARC. Tom has a couple of clients with him, but I get the chance to speak to him for 5 mins. Look at this I say, Bracken hops out the back of the car and dah dits it across to Tom, good good he says, When she was in the pool on Tuesday I did more work on her Neck, that's where the nerves trapped, Its coming good. I ask him if I can leave Bracken in the Magnotherapy box while I go to gala, not a problem, in she goes, setting 10 this time to boost the muscle now shes using it a bit more.
When I say using, She does still dah dit it along for a while, she soon tiers out and then starts to drag it again drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, but its getting better.
Saturday March 17th 2007
Again on the way to mums at Bowhill, we put her in the box at setting 10 again.
Session 5 in the Pool
Bracken is back at ARC for another session in the hydrotherapy. Tom tells Lesley that he relay can feel a difference, Bracken is trying so hard to use it but the muscle is very weak. Tom sets to work with the usual physio programme.
Tom says he can really feel her working her leg against him. This is major progress.
That night when I get home from work, I can see the difference straight away, She's not dragging so much now, she lifts the leg while hoping on the other.
I take her out for a walk later, what a difference, the best way for me to describe it is, instead of the leg being drag drrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr its more of a dah dit, dah dit, dah dit She's flicking her leg forward and putting some, not much, but some of her weight on her leg. I can't stop watching it and she seems so pleased with herself, tail wagging frantically, she looks so pleased with herself and I tell her all the way along the road how clever she is, sounds daft but it gives her a boost.
Boot Wearing Out!
Today I really can start to see a difference with Bracken, nothing major, just subtle movements in her leg. We continue the Physio at home, we need to as I can see the muscle wasting away. She's getting a bit lazy now and used to not using it, she's quite happy to drag it along, so much so she's wearing her new boot out.
I search the web for replacements and the only ones I can find are from a company called neo-paws based in Canada. They are very reasonably priced as its in Canadian dollars. I order them online.
I take Bracken to ARC for a session in the Magnotherapy box, this she seems to really enjoy the treatment and I have never seen her in any discomfort or pain since she started going in the box. I have my usual blether with Tom about this and that, mainly about dog's, Vet's and Bracken's treatment.
Bracken comes out the box, perky as ever. Tom is pleased with the progress, Rome was not built in a day, Its going to take time and patience.
Not one for blowing my own trumpet, but boy am I good on a sewing machine! I've managed to make Bracken a splint for her leg in an attempt to stop her paw turning back.
Boy does it work, I made it from and old wrist splint we had......take a look.
Last Acupuncture
In the morning Lesley takes Bracken for her final acupuncture session today, Same routine. The Vet once again checks for sensation and is unsure, she may she may not be feeling below the elbow.
The Vet finishes his session then wishes us luck with Bracken's treatment and asks us to keep in touch and let him now how things progress.
I am impressed by this Vet and will be back to see him.
In the afternoon, Bracken is back to ARC for more Hydrotherapy. Tom is pleased with her progress. He can feel a difference in the muscle, he also says Bracken is attempting to work her leg in the pool.
Some Changes Noticed

Lesley took Bracken for hydrotherapy today. She was able to report to Tom some significant changes. We have started to notice Bracken uses her leg slightly in the house, she's not putting weight on it but she does seem to be moving it a little at the shoulder, I'm also convinced she is feeling some sensation below here elbow but its hard to tell. You can nip Bracken's good leg and she doesn't flinch so its hard to tell.
Tom does his work on Bracken then gives Bracken a new boot, a neo-paws protective boot. Tom suggests we stop tying Bracken's leg up in a strap when we take her out and that we start putting the boot on. This is to try and get Bracken to start using the leg more and although she will still drag it, the muscle will be getting worked. You know how it is, if you strap your arm up long enough, the muscle will soon waste away, this is what we don't want.

That night i take Bracken for a short walk, what a difference, you can see the muscle working, even though the leg is being dragged on her paw, without the boot it would be damaging her paw yet she wouldn't know with no feeling there.
She bends her paw backwards when its being dragged, I need to make a splint of some sorts to stop the paw bending back.
Thinking Cap on!
2nd Acupuncture
Today Bracken had her 2nd treatment of acupuncture. The Vet checked her over again, nipping her leg to look for reaction. Bracken still only has feeling in the shoulder area to the elbow, or at least that's what we think.
While the Vet in inserting the needles, Bracken has a flinch when he puts the needle in between her toes, good sign.
All the needles are inserted to the same areas as the last time, only this time I know more about it as Tom gave me a loan of his acupuncture book. I read as much as I could about Ying and Yang, Meridians and Chi Energy and I was in a position to now ask the vet which meridians he used, he showed me on a piece of paper.
We then began discussing the treatment and he told me all about the course he had been on. This Vet is more open to the use of traditional Chinese medicines TCM and he then began to ask all about ARC and the treatment she was getting there.
10 minutes passed quickly and we were on our way home again. Bracken was in discomfort again, this was Ying and Yang......Good and Bad.
- Good as it indicated that something was happening and the acupuncture was not a waste of time.
- Bad as she was now in pain, and that I did not like.
Always a balance.
I decided to call Tom and was able to take Bracken over to ARC for a session in the Magnotherapy box. 20 minutes later and Bracken was relaxed again and pain free.
We arrive at ARC to put Bracken in the Magnotherapy box, she still seems to be in a bit of pain and discomfort, yelping every now and then.
The Magnotherapy box is a large dog box with a magnetic coil in the floor connected to a control box with 10 settings. Bracken is loaded into the box on a setting 9.
The Magnotherapy is used to stimulate the blood flow and ease any discomfort and pain she may be in. She was in the box for about 20 minutes when she comes out Tom gives her a bit of physio. Tom asks us to let him know how she is when we get home.
On the way home she lets out one yelp in the car. We get home, and she crashes out on her bean bag. You can see how relaxed she now is and she certainly doesn't seem to be in any pain now. I call Tom and let him know. That night, Bracken slept for Scotland, never heard a peep out of her, I practically had to drag her out for her business!
Vet Checkup and 2nd Hydrotherapy
Tonight we have a follow up visit with the our Vet. Same routine, prod here, pull there. Never once on the table and not checked for sensation in the leg.
I can't help but feel a little negative towards the Vet, after all, there advise was to wait 3 or 4 weeks and then amputate. Again, they ask about the acupuncture and hydrotherapy and we let them know how its going.
Bracken now has feeling from her shoulder to her elbow I say, the Vet at Kelso checked this prior to the acupuncture nipping her with forceps. Our Vet confirms that when Bracken left them, she had no feeling in the leg at all. They take my word for it and still don't check themselves!........ strange.
Consultation over we ask do we need to bring her back, no, carry on with the treatment as is, fine with me.
Back to ARC for 2nd Hydrotherapy Session.
Bracken is lowered back into the pool, Tom works on her legs, back and neck. Bracken seems to be enjoying this, tail wagging. Tom massages Bracken's neck, relieving the swelling and pain.
We discuss the fact that Bracken has feeling again in her shoulder and Tom advises that he can feel her working against him in the pool. Its now imperative that we try to keep the muscle mass in tact an working, regular physio is the trick, not just in the pool but at home too.
Tom asks us to bring Bracken in for a session in the Magnotherapy box at the weekend.
We arrive back home from ARC and Bracken flops into the bean bag, completely and utterly well and truly relaxed and contented, No Pain, No Yelps.
Acupunture at The Vets
We arrive at the Vets for Bracken's acupuncture. The Vet calls us in and we sit Bracken on the table. He asks the relevant questions about the accident, how it happened, where she was hit etc. He also asks how she got on at the hydrotherapy the previous night. I explain to him that Tom thinks the damage is not in the leg, but in the neck.
The Vet brings out his equipment for screening eyes and looks into Bracken's eyes, "Yes he Say's", "I can confirm the damage seems to be in the neck".
He then goes on to explain if the radial nerve is damaged in the neck area it will result in a difference in the dilation of the pupils and Bracken's right pupil was slightly smaller than the left.
Then the Vet gets out a pair of forceps and starts to nip Bracken's leg, first the toe's......nothing, then the limb below the elbow......nothing, then her shoulder area......ooh! Bracken gives the Vet a dirty look, by god she felt that I said, your not wrong there said the Vet.
I'm glad this was done before the session as it goes to prove that this improvement is down to Tom's physio in the hydrotherapy pool and the Vet agrees.
He then proceeds with the acupuncture treatment. He places 2 needles in Bracken's neck and shoulder, 1 above her elbow, 2 in her fore limb below the elbow and 1 in between her toes. These I am told area the meridian areas. I ask how the needles work as all this is new to me. He explains that there are several differing opinions, some say the needle vibrates, some think it's due to the transfer of energy from the person inserting the needles, all in all, no one can be absolutely certain.
The needles are left in place for 10 minutes.
After the first session of acupuncture I make our appointment for the second session the following Tuesday, the treatment is in 3 sessions.
Bracken seems to be in some discomfort, she yelps a couple of times at the Vet's and at least 3 times on the way home in the car, this concerns me so I call Tom at ARC the minute I get home.
Tom advises again that this can happen as acupuncture sometimes aggravates any pain she may have, its all to do with the energy passing through the body. We are back tomorrow night for a 2nd hydrotherapy session, Tom says that will help reduce the discomfort and pain.
1st Hydrotherapy session
Were all a bit excited, so much so that even Dad comes with us.
Arrive at Arthurshiels for Bracken's first treatment in the Hydrotherapy pool.
I let Tom know about the call from the Vet and ask his advise about her going for acupuncture, after all I wouldn't want the acupuncture to undo any good that the acupressure and hydrotherapy do. Tom advises that this will be OK, the more treatment the better. The acupressure that Tom gives Bracken is similar to the acupuncture only acupuncture can sometimes aggravate any pain she may be in. He asks me to call him tomorrow night once we have been to let him know how she is.
Bracken's a bit unsure about it all, Shona relaxes bracken and prepares her for the pool loading her into the sling on the hoist. As you can see in this picture, Bracken's right paw is turned inwards due to the Paralysis of the leg.

Call From The Vet
Wednesday 21st February 2007 5:00pm
We get a call from the Vet at Kelso tonight.
He has been asked to give us a call by our Vet with regards to Bracken and the possibility of acupuncture treatment. He knows all about the accident and the injury she has, obviously it has been discussed with my Vet in a bit of detail.
I am unsure what I should, in 1 hour we are off to see Tom at ARC for hydrotherapy. I advise the Vet at Kelso that we are taking her to ARC for treatment, great he says, and when do you want to come for acupuncture?
What should I do?
I make an appointment for the next night, it can't do any harm, the more treatments the better I think to myself.
Referral for Hydrotherapy
I call the Vet first thing and get to speak to a different Vet from our consultation on Friday. I start to tell him all about Tom at Arturshiel but I am astonished when he say "Yes, I know Tom, that's a great idea", "No Problem I would be happy to refer Bracken to Tom"
Excellent......more progress.......but, in the back of my mind I'm thinking, Communication?
I then call Tom and we arrange an appointment for Wednesday night.
More Hope
Today myself and Clark bail out to Mum and Dad's at Bowhil. Mum and Dad are a bit concerned about Bracken too. Bracken used to belong to Mum and Dad.
While at Bowhill I get a call from Lesley that brightens my day up no end. She had been discussing Bracken's injury with her cousin and it turns out She knows where we can get Hydrotherapy for Bracken, Arthurshiel Rescue Centre.
ARC is just off the A68 on the way to St. Boswells, very close to home.
Lesley has already called them and spoke to Tom Middlemas. Lesley told Tom all about what has happened and Tom advised that as long as we get referral from our Vet (for insurance purpose) then he will see her. He says he would like to see her as soon as possible, the sooner he starts treatment, such as Hydrotherapy, Physio and Acupressure the better.
After the call with Lesley, I tell my Mum and Dad. Dad looks at me in awe......He knows Tom personally, he has worked with him at Bowhill. Dad gets out his book of numbers a phones Tom straight away. Tom tells him that he needs to get to work on Bracken as soon as he can and that we should phone him to make an appointment as soon as we get the go ahead from the Vet.
I discuss it all that night with Lesley, we decide it doesn't matter what the Vet Say's, Bracken is going to see Tom regardless.
Check up at the Vets
Today we took Bracken back to the Vet for a follow up consultation. This would be the first time I had been back to the Vets since I dropped her off the morning she had her accident.
We were called in.......
Bracken was pretty quickly looked over, a prod here a prod there. Now was my chance to get as much information from the Vet as possible about where we go from here and how we get her on the road to recovery.
Below is the conversation as I remember it.
- Q - Will Bracken recover from this?
- A - Not to sure, as we explained, damage to the radial nerve can result in the complete loss of use of the limb. Sometimes the nerve will regenerate and recover, we would normally see improvements in the sensations and movement to the limb in 3 to 4 weeks if the nerve is to recover. We will know better then, If there is no improvement we will need to consider amputating the limb.
- Q - Have you seen other dogs recover?
- A - No, not personally.
- Q - I have read on the Internet that there are complimentary treatments that can be used to assist the recovery such as Acupuncture, Acupressure and Hydrotherapy etc. Should I take her for this type of treatment?
- A - Yes, you could, it would all help, after all she is insured but I would check the small print of your policy, sometimes it does not cover this type of treatment.
As if I care about small print I thought to myself, I just want her well
- Q - Where in the Borders can we get this type of treatment?
- A - I'm not sure, I'm not from this area but I will make some calls over the weekend and get back to you on Monday.
As we were leaving one of the veterinary nurses who looked after Bracken came out to see her in the reception. She asked how she was and we told her about the consultation we had just had and that we were going to try and get her Acupuncture and Hydrotherapy etc.
I'm glad she spoke to us, according to her a Vet in Kelso does Acupuncture. She is now going to let our Vet know......great.....progress!
www. it's a mine field of information
Spent most of today on the Internet checking out websites with reference to Radial Nerve Damage in Dogs.
Not very many in the UK but I did find a few in America, and god am I glad I did!
I was advised on one of the sites to seek advise about Acupuncture, Acupressure and Hydrotherapy. These types of treatment have been know to help re-generate nerve damage and may work for Bracken.
I also found a website that referred to a dog called Shadow, a Labrador who like Bracken had a tendency to chase things, in this case it was a crow on the opposite side of the road and like Bracken was knocked over by a car. Shadow too had Radial Nerve Damage and the same type of Paralysis as Bracken. A programme of Physio, acupuncture and Hydrotherapy was set in place for Shadow and several weeks later improvements were noticed to the extent that he is now walking again. Please look at the link below.
This I must say gave us hope and I was now ready for our visit to the vets as I knew what Radial Nerve Damage was and I could now seek there advise.
Happy Valentines
Lesley called the vet's and they are going to let Bracken come home, She has got her appetite back and is ready for some TLC.
Lesley and Jack collected her from the vet's at 4pm, the vet wants to see her again on Friday.
Here's Bracken relaxing on her bean bag after getting back from the Vets.
It was really good to see her again, just a bit weird to see her with only 3 working legs. Vet says we need to carry out physio on her leg to stimulate the muscle while we wait for the nerve to recover.
Its just going to be a waiting game now.
Visit to the Vet's
No change today, Bracken is not eating to well. Vets would like to keep her another night.
Lesley, Clark and Jack go to visit her.
She's feeling sorry for herself Lesley Say's.
The veterinary nurse tells Lesley that she has seen worse and that there's a chance her leg will recover.
Hoping to get Bracken home tomorrow.
The Vet Calls.........
The Vet calls.
Bracken is stable, she has been X-rayed and there is nothing broken........great, excellent, magic, she's OK I thought.
You know when you get that feeling way down deep when you just know there's going to be a "BUT"......we'll I had it.
"But" says the Vet, it may have been better had she broken something, Bracken has lost the use and feeling in her right leg. This is due to damage she has sustained when she hit / was hit by the car. She has damaged a nerve called the Radial which travels from the spine through her neck and down her leg. We will need to Keep her in overnight to monitor.
I can't remember exactly when and how, but it was during this call that the word "Amputation" was used and the phrase "Cut her Loses"
What does all this mean I ask.......?
Damage to the radial nerve in dog's can cause paralysis of the limbs, in Bracken's case her right leg. She has no feeling in it and she is unable to move it.
Will it get better I ask......?
Maybe, it all depends how severe the damage to the nerve is, sometimes it can heal sometimes not. Sometimes you need to "cut your loses" and "amputate" the limb.
Call us tomorrow and we'll take it from there, the Vet said.
Now I'm in Shock, still a little unsure what all this means, but at least Bracken's in the right place with the people who can help her.
To The Vets
Bracken is taken straight to the vet at Gala. She is admitted for X-rays and monitoring. She has a cut above her right eye, scratches on her stomach and will not put any weight on her right leg.
The Vet seems to think she may have a fracture. She is admitted to the Vets and they advise me they will contact me later once she has been X-rayed and stabalised as she is now in shock.
On the way home, I can't beleive what I am seeing, just after taking my own dog into the vet as a result of a RTA, a collie is running around on the main A68 at Charlesfield road end and its attacking the moving traffic.........I slow down knowing whats just happened to my own dog only an hour ago.......the collie bites at my wheels then takes off after a car travelling north, I sure hope it was OK.
The Accident
This is the day that Bracken had her accident, an RTA with a neighbours car travelling at about 10 to 15 mph.
She was out for her morning walk and was on the way back to the house from the field. As she was walking back to the house on the pavement, she spied a cat on the other side of the road, Bracken being Bracken and dogs being dogs, she took off for it, across the road and straight into the front of an oncoming car.
She hit the car with momentum and landed at the side of the road by the kerb.
This is when all the panic sets in..............