Abs Belt...!

Wednesday April 4th 2007

Took Bracken for more hydrotherapy tonight. Still working hard.
She has also started her Protein Supplement today, 2 tea spoons mixed in warm water and topped up with milk, mmmmmmmm delicious, well at least Bracken thought so, she wolfed it, pardon the pun!

Had a walk to the field, She's still going great no dislocations lately. Shes still working the leg hard. Tom advised us at the weekend to start getting her to give us a paw. We try it every night, She never used to give us a paw, so we have had to learn her what it is, not the paw! but giving it to us. We have taught her with the good leg, offering a treat if she gives us a paw, hopefully she will now attempt the same with the bad leg.

I have also tonight modified an old Abs belt, you know the ones you put round your waist to give you a six pack! why I've got one I'll never know so the only option was to modify it for Bracken's leg. It works, I squirt a little EC water based gel on to the pads and switch it on, you can feel it contracting the muscle, what muscle there is that is.

This is all more progress in getting the strength built up in the leg, Protein Supplement and Electrolysis in the muscle...........I'll keep you posted.

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