Quick Update

Monday 23rd April 2007

Just a qucik update today.
I had bracken back at the hydrotherapy tonight. She did really well and Tom yet again is please with the progress. Bracken has got more of her shape back in her neck and shoulders. Tonight, before I took Bracken to the pool, she attempted to chase a dummy Cat......I know who the dummy is, you'd think she'd learn. She ran at a dummy Cat on a fence put there by the owner to deter other Cat's, anyway, I was really surprised at her movement tonight, hardly any dragging of the foot / leg at all, you could say she was more or less walking and running on it.

I have also recently had a post from someone in one of the dog forums. I post on these sites to link this blog and let other people in the same situation see the progress we are making. This particular site removed my links to the blog and said I had broken the forum rules! Now the links have been removed, people can't see the real content of my post. I have linked this post below as I would like you to see the reply from a very nice lady called Jake2006.......

It's worth a read, please read the replies to the post on the same link. very reassuring for me.

Cheers for now.

A Walk in the Field

Friday 20th April 2007

No misshaps last night, Bracken had a good night, I left her boot on just incase. However, today She was left alone for a little while and it looks as if she has nibbled at her claw a little, its been bleeding and there is some blood on her bed in her cage. I think we'll have to keep the boot on when we leave her on her on from now on.

Tonight I took some short video's on my mobile, see below.

Here's Bracken enjoying a walk in the Field

Then we bump into bracken's little buddy, Tia. They both love a play and roll in the grass!

This Weeks Progress

Thursday 19th April 2007

Lesley had Bracken back to hydrotherapy last night. Tom is really pleased with the progress, he can feel the difference in the muscle strength. We are continuing daily, twice per day, with the protein supplement and we use the modified abs belt every night.

I have just used the belt on her tonight and I can actually see the muscle in her shoulder contracting. I have always known that it has been working because when we used it prior, Bracken got restless and licked at it.........now I can see it working.

Sorry folks, I know you can't see this but I had to stop typing her for a minute, I've been watching Bracken, she can't settle since I took off the belt, she's up and down and on and off her bean bag, my conclusion is she's got more tingling and feeling back in the leg, she will not stop licking at it. My only concern now is that it may annoy her during the night!

As in the case with the wild fox, the tingling feeling can annoy and stress the dog to the point they can self mutilate and chew at the foot, I think I will let her sleep with the boot on tonight to be on the safe side, don't want any disasters after all this work, think you've got me worried a bit Sheena since your email, best be safe though.

Just to let you know, Sheena contacted me through this site, she too has a dog in the same predicament, a Whippet called Slim. Slim was knocked over by a car in December last year in Toronto and has ended up with Radial Nerve Paralysis causing paralysis of hist front left leg. Sheena has also gone through all the stages I have with Bracken, She too was advised by the vet to amputate but like myself was reluctant to take this advise and now Slim too is on the road to recovery through the same types of treatment.

We were both advised to amputate due to small - Slim recovery rates.......

  • Q - Are the statistics for recovery so small because people don't wait it out and take their vets advise?

  • A - Only Time will tell..........

That's all for now folks.


Progress Update

Wednesday April 11th 2007

We have been giving Bracken a protein supplement for a week now and already you can see the difference.

I have also been using the modified Abs belt on her for 30 minutes every night, Bracken has been completely un-phased by it all as you can see below.

I have started off the treatment on a fairly high setting, this in turn will boost the build up of the muscle, it works in exactly the same way as it does in humans using deep electrolysis to contract the muscle thereby stimulating and exercising the muscle.

Since we started using the belt, she seems to lick scratch at her foot as though she were getting pins and needles. Lesley took Bracken to the Hydrotherapy pool yesterday and asked Tom about the licking etc. Tom is reckons that she most likely is starting to feel tingling sensations down the leg as the electrolysis will not only be stimulating the muscle but the nerves too. Tom also noticed a big difference in the strength and build of her damaged leg, the protein and the belt are obviously doing their jobs and building the muscle mass as hoped.

I now I say this every time, but I can see change in the way Bracken moves, she uses her leg more and more every day. When I take her out first thing in the morning, she seems to make it further every day before her leg gets tired. She also seems to put more weight onto it and is flicking it forward further, almost hoping on it. I only wish I could explain it more.

Anyway, Protein Supplement 2 times per day and deep electrolysis for 30 minutes every day should get the muscle built up in no time.

Keep you posted...


Abs Belt...!

Wednesday April 4th 2007

Took Bracken for more hydrotherapy tonight. Still working hard.
She has also started her Protein Supplement today, 2 tea spoons mixed in warm water and topped up with milk, mmmmmmmm delicious, well at least Bracken thought so, she wolfed it, pardon the pun!

Had a walk to the field, She's still going great no dislocations lately. Shes still working the leg hard. Tom advised us at the weekend to start getting her to give us a paw. We try it every night, She never used to give us a paw, so we have had to learn her what it is, not the paw! but giving it to us. We have taught her with the good leg, offering a treat if she gives us a paw, hopefully she will now attempt the same with the bad leg.

I have also tonight modified an old Abs belt, you know the ones you put round your waist to give you a six pack! why I've got one I'll never know so the only option was to modify it for Bracken's leg. It works, I squirt a little EC water based gel on to the pads and switch it on, you can feel it contracting the muscle, what muscle there is that is.

This is all more progress in getting the strength built up in the leg, Protein Supplement and Electrolysis in the muscle...........I'll keep you posted.

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