Just thought I'd let you know, Bracken won an award yesterday! She was nominated as dog of the week by the admin team of group UK woofers at the website Dogster (Click to view).
I thought it was pretty cool myself, she was nominated for being "game little chap. Eager to play and bark and make the group a happy place for doggies to bark together".........they even made her an award picture -

Well after what she's been through, I thought she deserved it. It's made my day anyway.
Yay, Bracken!!!
Thanks Jaida,
Hope you an your ma are well, How's your boo boo paw?
Jaida here.
My boo-boo foot is going to be a bye-bye foot in about two weeks!!!
Moms are trying to decide whether or not to give me a new foot...we'll have to see what those two figure out, but sheesh, they're acting like this is a life-or-death decision...can't make up their silly ol' minds to save their lives!!!
Bye for now, Bracken-beauty!
Hi Bracken!
Oh, you are gonna be GREAT without that horrible bum leg! AND you have 3 other really, REALLY good ones! I have 3 bad legs and I do really well. Much better than I did before I lost my "albatross!"
Big time hugs to you!
Samuel Jacob from Dogster
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