Its been a while, Bracken is doing really well, still un-phased by the whole "On 3 legs" thing. She is still receiving hydrotherapy / physio treatment, in fact, we have just returned from a session tonight. Bracken is lying sound asleep now on her bean bag.
Not sure the treatment is doing much other than relieving the pain and pressure of her joints from all the scooting about on 3 legs. The feeling is back completely in her leg, all the way to her tipy toes, she just ain't moving it, she has had almost complete muscle atrophy of the shoulder and I'm not sure it will ever be any use. The main thing is, as I said, she's un-phased and as happy as a dog in a bath full of butchers bones!
I'm happy, Shes happy, what more could be asked, and the man in the big red suit is almost here.
Merry Christmas Everyone and a Very Happy New Year.
Thank you all so much for your kind words and support over the past 10 months, it has been very much appreciated.
Hope your well Slim and Jaida.
Nice to see you're posting again! I'm glad Bracken is in fine form. It sounds like she's doing wonderfully. All the best to you and your family (please give Bracken a big hug). Slim continues to do well and, like Bracken, gets around just fine.
Hello Bracken!
I am amazed about you and your story! Please keep us updated with your ever so interesting physio-treatment. I appreciate very much your owners patience and his strong believe into this treatment. And we can see already results! If you feel your leg from tip to toe again, this is a wonderful achievement. Do not give up and just enjoy those sessions. One nice day your leg might be ready for use again.
I just wanted to let you know that I have been following Bracken's story almost from the beginning when my husband and myself were searching for more information on radial nerve paralysis. In May, our 2-yr old Sheppard/Pit mix jumped out of the window of our moving vehicle (20 mph) and fell on her left front leg. Needless to say, after all of the horror of taking her to the emergency room, we wanted to make sure we did everything short of surgery to heal her leg's paralysis. Today, we don't think she has any sensation and her muscle has atrophied similar to Bracken. Since her paralyzed leg is now getting in the way of her right leg's movement, the only option is to amputate. We feel fine about it, in fact, we are amazed at how much our dog returned to her normal self only two weeks after the accident. Just thought I'd share our story and wanted to
thank Bracken's dad for sharing this beautiful story.
Hi, my name's Susan I tried to email, but it didn't work, but I just wanted to say thanks for your site. My 10 month old Lab just got hit by a car Thursday, and they're telling us it's nerve damage in his left shoulder. Pretty much the same story as your Bracken. I just wanted to say thank you and I'll check for updates. My email is Susieq31883@hotmail.com if you wanted to contact me, but thanks for putting your story on here.
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