Jeez, 4 years since I last posted on here, how time flies.....
Here she is, shes getting old now but she still loves her hikes in the country or to the seaside.

I'm not sure I will still have followers on here but for those of you that may be, Bracken is still doing fine as a "Tripod". It didn't stop her back in 2007 and doesn't stop her to this day. We did have a trip to the vet about 4 weeks ago for an MOT and she passed with flying colours. She was recommended some lubrication in the form of Loxicom, an anti inflammatory and pain relief, and since she began her regular daily dose, there is no stopping our Bracken....!
An amazing little dog who has brought no ends of love to our family which extended since the beginning of this blog with the arrival of my daughter Connie. Connie and Bracken have become the best of buddies and its has been amazing to watch the friendship grow, Connie calls Bracken her sister.......
It has been sometime now since my last post and I am not sure when the next will be, but I will leave you with a couple of photos taken around Bracken and her sisters 12th Birthday and when the two were mere pups...

I hope that this blog is still serving its purpose and that was to give some reference to "Radial Nerve" damage in dogs. When the accident happened in 2007, I couldn't find anything in the internet to help me come to terms with it nor give my ideas on what to do next. Granted I was not successful to get her leg operational again, but as you can see we tried as there was hope.
I/we wish everyone the very best and if you are in the position I was in back then, good luck and keep the hope.
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