Well were back again, all refreshed and tanned! We had a great holiday, so much so were desperate to go back. Bracken enjoyed her holiday too, she settled in well with frank and Margaret and I think she may have been spoiled a little. We got home a week past Friday and I picked her up on the Saturday morning. I was so nervous about collecting her, I was excited and apprehensive at the same time.
Would I see a difference?
Bracken came bounding over to me, on 3 legs! She looked great, she had been given a bath and her coat was gleaming, I think she had lost some weight too! She was staying close by to a farm and she had 3 walks a day, in the fields. Frank thinks she ran about 10 miles per day.
I have taken my time to post my latest blog as I have been looking for signs of improvement, unfortunately, I'm still looking. Bracken had Hydro both weeks we were away and I took her last Wednesday and Lesley took her tonight.
Lesley had a good discussion with Tom about where we are at with the treatment. We have taken bracken to a local river a couple of times since we got back and can see her trying to use her shoulder, it moves in sync with her left one in the doggy paddle motion. The problem we have though is I think her ligaments have contracted between her shoulder and elbow, her elbow joint seems locked, it has been slowly creeping up on us, we thought we could keep it at bay with regular physio, but I fear I have lost the battle. She has feeling in almost 90% of the leg and given that before we started the treatments there was none, I feel gutted, we were almost there.
We have decided tonight that we need a visit to our vet, the same veterinary company only not the one the wanted to remove the leg back in March. I'm taking her to see the vet who carried out the acupuncture, he seemed more open to her treatment and was keen for her to recover. Maybe there is some kind of operation they could perform on the ligaments, I'm almost certain she would start to put more weight on it if she could put it down.
Sorry this post is not as encouraging as I would have liked, I will keep you posted on the vets visit, in the meantime we carry on as usual, hydro and Physio.
You can see the contraction in her right leg in the picture below.

Fingers crossed. How's it going slim? hope your well pup pal.
Craig,I sent you an email re: Slim through your 'contact us' email. Keep up the good fight. Regardless of what happens with Bracken's progress, she's a happy pup and her quality of life is wonderful. Keep us posted on the visit to the vet. Take care, Sheena.
Please persevere with her treatment. As I said earlier I had a similar thing done to my horse, it took a long while before any improvement was seen but he got there in the end and it will happen "all of a sudden". I myself badly dislocated my elbow and the ligaments contracted badly and I could not stretch my arm out to the full length for NEARLY TWO YEARS! As I understand from reading all your diary Braken is not now in any pain and has compensated well. She still has a good quality of life and you obviously love her very very much. Don't let your Vet persuade you to give up on her. Take care and the very best of luck. Big hug for the wonderful Bracken. xx
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